Sunday, October 24, 2010


敬拜赞美晚会结束了。筹备了一段时间。将近两个月左右。两个月前开始寻找领唱,伴唱和讲员。首先,一开始找传道,但传道有事情尤其是刚结婚,所以就不能了。然后找Aileen,Aileen也是刚从泰北回来,也忙于其它事,所以也不能。找来找去,最后就下定决心说既然找来找去找不到,那我就自己来吧"。这样也方便我想要的主题 “Life”。生命真的很重要,如果人生不懂往哪里去时,尤其是去世时,这一切就很可惜了。所以我坚持了生命的主题。


忙完时间后就是忙领唱的时候了。一开始打算找华倩,但华倩有考试而且也很忙,所以开始找少团的了。找找下,就找到了若欣。在我鼓励下,若欣答应了接下领唱的职位。若欣忙完考试后就开始找适合敬拜赞美和生命主题的诗歌。最后她找了五首适合的歌。但二十三号的前一星期,她突然说不能带敬拜赞美了。她和家人将到马六甲。最后就要从找领唱了。一整晚找来找去,问来问去,大多数适合领唱的都不能在当晚带敬拜赞美。 最后化聚勉强的被我从贝斯手转到领唱。而我从电吉他手转到贝斯手。我发觉往往很多事情是需要临场决定。我想来想去,算来算去也没有想到会换领唱。更没有想到那时是我最忙的时刻。我需要赶project,有需要解决thesis但压力一个一个来。没有想到第四年大学是这么这么忙的。但很感恩,很多人都有在fbcomment鼓励。神往往透过身旁的人来鼓励与扶持。

敬拜赞美前两天,华倩也不能做伴唱了。我本来有找佩虹顶替,但她最后有些突发事件也拒绝了。最后再最后只好找佩玲,本来她是蛮适合的,但她前个星期有开始,然后二十三号当天,口有些不舒服,所以也不建议伴唱。当我找来找去,也早不到适合和人选后,忽然若盈就问需要帮你伴唱吗?哇!我够力,神的安排永远超乎我所求所想。没有想到若因每一首当晚所带的歌她都熟悉。也没有想到她没有练过,但却伴唱的很想联系过的感觉。clarence也在当晚伴唱的很棒。敬拜团每一位都带的很棒!对我来说神的带领永远都会有surprise。神随时可以更换一些适合的人来带领敬拜赞美,也会surprise在日常生活里。我的神真的很够力。没有想到青少联合敬拜赞美晚会能够顺利的进行。神也给了我一班完整的敬拜团。一位领唱,一男一女的伴唱,很棒的鼓手,钢琴手和keybord手,也加上我,贝斯手。也不忘了Andrew Simon 负责PA LCD。音响超棒的。一切我只能说若不是神的带领,敬拜赞美团没有可能会这么完美。这么棒!非常非常感恩。希望青少联合敬拜赞美晚会能够每一位弟兄姐妹没好的回忆,也能够更加的爱主。为主而发光做盐。Shine Like a Star!~ :D

Sunday, October 17, 2010




Thursday, October 14, 2010


"As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. "Rabbi," his disciples asked him, why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents' sins?" "It was not because of his sins or his parent sins," Jesus answered. "This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.  John9:1-3

We love to ask why, why this happened? Why this problem came to me? Why only me need to suffer this? Why so many temptation that I need to pass through. Sometimes, will be asking, what's wrong I had made? What's Sin I had done? Jesus answered that no one was to blame - God allowed it in order to teach us about faith and to glorify God through the man's healing (John 9:2-3)

When suffer from a disease, tragedy, or disability, try not to ask, "Why did this happen to me?" or, "what did I do wrong?" Instead, ask God to give us strength for the trial and a greater reliance on Him. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Devotion: True Love

The entire message of the Bible comes to a focus in John 3:16: "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believe in him will not perish but have eternal life." 

As seen in Jesus' sacrifice, there is a big difference between his true love and what we call "love". While we reserve our love for special cases and special occasions, Jesus gives his love freely to ALL.While we love up to a point, Jesus loves to the point of self-sacrifice. 
Last Saturday after attended the discipleship class at church, I was chit chating with my teacher about my experience in  Cemerong waterfall and how I encounter God at that moment. Then we talking another topic to this and that books...But  i get a point from him. After reading a book, try to write out a REVIEW of the book. At that moment, u will know what u are reading. Waw, such an important message to me. 

"True Love" is what i have read today in my devotion time. I realized I only know to Love peoples that closed to me, nice to me and benefit for me, but i always forgot True Love come to the point of self-sacrifice. 

May be i need to sacrifice my time, my energy to a random people, but I believe God want me to learn for today lesson-True Love