The Lord replied, My precious, precious child. I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, then you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
So, this is the two card that I had received yesterday. I'm so touching when i received it. It such a blessing from God. One of it written from Sister Irene and another from Sister pei shya. They always encourage me either in music/ study. But most important is worship and glorify our God.
"I believe God has given you a gift in music & a passion to serve Him. SO, JUST USE IT 2 WORSHIP HIM!" That's very true... This is what i need to learn from her. When i play instrument, i should FOCUS on God and pleased God. I should play with my heart and NOT to SHOW OFF to others peoples that i can play this skills or that skills.
Pray, the most important method to communicate with God. Sometimes, i will blame why God dint listen to my pray. BUT i trust that God will has his own plan for me. Today in Sunday service, one of the pastor told us about "ASK, SEEK, KNOCK" from the bible in Matthew chapter 7 verse 7- "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
prayer notice:- a) Mark 11:24 (Believe) b) James 1:6 (Not Doubt) c) 1 John 5:14 (Approaching God) d) John 15:7 (Remain) e) Luke 18:1 (Always Pray) f) Act 27:25 (Faith) g) P.U.S.H- Pray until somethings happen
This is what i had learned today.
Actually, i'm really bad mood in this evening. i feel like i should apologize to... It's time to let it pass....
It's such a complicated story to write down here. Just feel weird today. I know that i should change myself.
What i can do is just Pray....
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Leave here around half of the year. I still missed to write blog like never before.. always think of when should update my blog and what should i write.
Few months ago, I am SO busy with all the university stuff such as eXpoconvo'08 and Pesta Tanglung (PT). Some are Big event for the university. My task? Just simple, I'm the one always took photo for the event. Some peoples will call me photographer, but some will call me "boy come and help take photo awhile". What ever.... I don't really mind for that, I just want to shoot some photo that can touch peoples heart(that's will be the most success photo for a me).
By the way, 1 more things had complete yesterday! I use 3 days time to write down the lyric for Pesta Tanlung(pt) song. It's so nice and hard to believe that i had composed the lyric for the song. But, some of the part already change it to English. It is the song that cross over between Chinese and English language. That's awesome!! *English lyric was edited by two of my friends.
Bu chi bu jue you guo ji tian, wo he ni you zai chi xiang jian
Tai tou wang zhe tian kong, kai shi xiang nian
是否在海岸边地平线, 我们再次回到从前,
Shi fou zai hai an bian di ping xian, wo men zai chi hui dao cong qian
Tai tou wang zhe xing kong, kais hi si nian
Ye xu bu duan de kao yan, ye xu bu duan de ti hui
Jiu hui fa xian xu duo de qu wei
Dan wo men
Bu duan de mian dui tiao zhan, dan wo men bu ju pa
Bu duan de mian dui zhe kun nan, wo men hu xiang gu li
(Bu chi bu jue you guo ji nian, wo he ni you zai chi xiang jian)
(Tai tou wang zhe tian kong, kai shi xiang nian)
(Ye xu bu duan de kao yan, ye xu bu duan de ti hui)
Living through the worse,
Sharing the love between us
Remember travelling down the road,
All alone out in the cold
(Bu duan de mian dui zhe tiao zhan, dan wo men dou bu ju pa)
(Ni wo de mong xiang, rang wo men yi qi fei xiang)
(Wei ni de fu cu, rang wo yi sheng wu yuan wu hui)
In our dreams
(Jing guo feng feng yu yu, zhong zhong kun nan)
(Wo men yi qi zhou guo, bu qi fang)
(Sui ran you shi bei shang, you shi hui tong ku, shi luo)
Remember travelling down the road,
All alone out in the cold
(Bu duan de mian dui zhe kun nan, wo men hui hu xiang gu li)
Chorus x1
Both are nice for me!! It's so excited to completed the song. Now I just waiting Orchestra Group peoples and 2 singers to sing this song! That's the greatest time for me to listen the song i had wrote!!!